Robin Hobbes

Robin spends his professional life teaching, supervising and practicing psychotherapy and counselling He has been involved in Transactional Analysis for 33 years. He passed his clinical exams in 1985 and has been running a training programme here in Manchester since 1987. He has been directly involved in the development of TA both nationally and internationally.

The former Chairperson and Chair of Ethics of the British Institute of Transactional Analysis. He has made many national and international presentations on Transactional Analysis and has published on the subject – writing a number of articles. With Keith Tudor he co-wrote the Transactional Analysis chapter in “The Handbook of Individual Therapy” edited by Windy Dryden. He was also the Clinical supervisor for Connect Therapeutic Community – a pioneering therapeutic community in Birmingham that applied TA principles to working with the disordered. He is currently the Ethical Advisor to the European Transactional Analysis Association. He also writes a regular column in the EATA Newsletter on Ethics.